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Students who need additional support with academic and organizational skills can receive tutoring within the school day as well as one-on-one tutorial sessions. We also offer extra support services so if you are interested in your child receiving evaluation for more academic support services, please let us know.  The optional support services we offer include: Neurofeedback, Occupational Therapy, Individualized Academic Plans, and Study Skills curriculum.


One-on-one Academic Tutorial Support: This involves a trained staff working with your son or daughter both in and outside of class to offer individualized structure specific to organizational study skills and core subject review.


Occupational Therapy: This is a contracted service provided by Carolina Pediatric Therapy. An Occupational Therapist will work with her child on-site to address various sensory, organizational and focus integration strategies. To receive this service, paperwork and an evaluation must first be administered before a schedule is set up.


Individualized Academic  Plan: This plan shows the student’s academic goals and objectives as well detailing any accommodations the student needs to fully access their education. The document is one that the team, teachers, parents, therapist, and student can access to help to clarify what strengths and challenges and action plans within the classroom.


Study Skills Curriculum: This is a module that we reference to review and practice study skills that are used in all aspects of their academic life such as pre-reading, graphic organizing, and self-advocating.

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